Answered By: Theresa Bell (she/her/hers) Last Updated: Mar 18, 2024 Views: 460836
APA Style (7th ed.)
Lastname, A. [Screen name]. (year, month day). Title of video [Video]. Streaming video site name. URL
- In-text citation: (Screen name, year, time stamp)
- See page 344 in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
TED Talk
If the video was retrieved from the TED website:
Honnold, A. (2018, April). How I climbed a 3,000-foot vertical cliff -- without ropes [Video]. TED Conferences.
- In-text citation: (Honnold, 2018, 3:45)
If the TED video was posted on YouTube and that's where you retrieved it (versus directly from
TED. (2007, January 6). Do schools kill creativity | Sir Ken Robinson [Video]. YouTube.
- In-text citation: (TED, 2007, 1:15)
For more information, see TED Talk References in the APA Style website.
YouTube Video
Fields, J. (2012, October 3). Brene Brown on the power of being vulnerable [Video]. YouTube.
- In-text citation: (Fields, 2012, 45:02)
- See page 344 in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) for more information.
TikTok Video
IndigenousLibrarian. [@indigenouslibrarian]. (2021, September 26). Lorisia McLeod’s templates for citing Indigenous elders and knowledge keepers (2021) #greenscreensticker [Video]. TikTok.
- In-text citation: (IndigenousLibrarian, 2021, 00:33)
- See the APA Style website's TikTok References for more information.
If an archived webinar is recoverable online, it can be cited as an online video as well. For example:
Axe, J., & Bell, T. (2017, March 27). Lunch and learn: Giving feedback on student writing [Webinar]. Royal Roads University.
- In-text citation: (Axe & Bell, 2017, 18:05)
If the webinar is livestreamed but not recorded, or if the recording is not publicly accessible, it is not included in a reference list, but cited as personal communication instead (American Psychological Association, 2020, p. 344).
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
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