Answered By: Jonathan Faerber (he/him/his)
Last Updated: Nov 04, 2021     Views: 304

APA Style (7th ed.)

In APA Style, citations in the body text provide the author and publication date of a resource, while the corresponding reference entry for that resource includes its title in addition to its author and publication information. For example, rather than providing the title of Field's 2009 book Discovering statistics using SPSS in the body text, discussion of this book uses the author's last name "Field (2009) found that...", and the corresponding reference entry includes the title of the resource:

Field, A. (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS. (3rd ed.) Sage Publications.

However, when including an article or book title within the body of the text, please either quote or italicize the title, depending on the format of the resource (American Psychological Association, 2020, pp. 167-168).


American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).