Answered By: Theresa Bell (she/her/hers) Last Updated: Apr 01, 2023 Views: 226980
APA Style (7th ed.)
Google. (n.d.). [Title of map]. Retrieved Month day, year, from URL
- In-text citation: (Google, n.d.)
- "Because dynamically created maps (e.g., Google Maps) do not have a title, describe the map in square brackets, and include a retrieval date" (American Psychological Association, 2020, p. 347).
Google. (n.d.). [Google Maps directions to drive from Colwood City Hall to Royal Roads University]. Retrieved December 4, 2019, from
- In-text citation: (Google, n.d.)
Using maps in a thesis or dissertation
If you're including a Google map in your thesis or dissertation, please see the information on using maps in Copyright Information For Thesis and Dissertation Publication and give the appropriate attribution in the figure caption. If you're using data from a Google map and quoting or paraphrasing that information in your work, you'll need to cite the data in-text and provide a reference to the source.
Citing multiple Google maps
If you're citing from more than one Google map in your text, you will need to distinguish between them in your in-text citations and references. Please see How Do I Cite In-text Two or More Resources by the Same Author That Were Published in the Same Year in APA Style? for information on how to append a lowercase letter after the year of publication to distinguish between resources, and see below for examples:
Google. (n.d.-a). [Google Maps directions to drive from Colwood City Hall to Royal Roads University]. Retrieved December 4, 2019, from
- In-text citation: (Google, n.d.-a)
Google. (n.d.-b). [Google Maps Royal Roads University, Colwood, BC]. Retrieved December 4, 2019, from
- In-text citation: (Google, n.d.-b)
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
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