Answered By: Jonathan Faerber (he/him/his)
Last Updated: Nov 02, 2021     Views: 12522

APA Style (7th ed.)

If the paper, poster, or conference proceedings have been formally published, use the formatting for the resource type (e.g., a chapter in a book or periodical article) to reference the resource. For example, the following paper was published as a chapter in the proceedings book:

van Oostveen, R., DiGiuseppe, M., Barber, W., Blayone, T., & Childs, E. (2016). New conceptions for digital technology sandboxes: Developing a fully online learning communities (FOLC) model. In G. Veletsianos (Ed.), EdMedia 2016: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (pp. 665-673). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Conference session

Author, A. (Year, Month Day(s) of conference). Title of conference session [Conference session]. Conference Name, City, Abbreviation of province, state, or territory (if applicable), Country. URL.

In-text citation: (Lastname, year, para. X)


Lastname, A. A. (Year, Month Day(s) of conference). Title of conference paper [Paper presentation]. Conference Name, City, Abbreviation of province, state, or territory (if applicable), Country.

In-text citation: (Lastname, year, p. X)


Lastname, A. A. (Year, Month Day(s) of conference). Title of poster [Poster presentation]. Conference Name, City, Abbreviation of province, state, or territory (if applicable), Country. URL.

In-text citation: (Lastname, year, para. X)


Contributor, A. A. (Year, Month Day(s) of conference). Title of contribution. In E.E. Chairperson (Chair), Title of symposium [Symposium]. Conference Name, City, Abbreviation of province, state, or territory (if applicable), Country. URL.

In-text citation: (Lastname, year, para. X)

Date in reference

Regarding the date of publication, "The date should match the date(s) of the full conference to help readers find the source, even though a session or presentation likely occurred on only one day" (American Psychological Association, 2020, p. 332).


American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).