The Writing Centre does not provide feedback on group-authored papers because we need to ensure that a team member’s work is not being shared without his or her permission. Also, individual appointments respect each student’s privacy, especially in terms of discussing a student’s writing challenges. Finally, the intention of 60-minute appointments is to assist a student to develop his or her specific skill set, and it’s difficult to assess individual strengths and challenges in a team paper because of the harmonized voice in the work.
If you're a RRU student who is interested in learning more about yourself as an academic writer, you are most welcome to schedule a 60-minute appointment to discuss a marked individual essay, and your teammates can also schedule appointments to talk about their individual works. The information you receive from those conversations will be useful in both your individual and team writing efforts, and if you choose to do so, you could share the details of the feedback and suggestions with your teammates.
For more information about what you can expect from the appointment, the Writing Centre’s booking policies, and a table that will assist you with choosing a day for the meeting, please visit . We're looking forward to working with you!