Answered By: Jonathan Faerber (he/him/his)
Last Updated: Nov 03, 2023     Views: 3284

The 1763 Royal Proclamation is contained in the Revised Statutes of Canada (most recently in 1985), so this source should be cited as a Canadian legal document following the McGill Guide rules for proclamations and royal instructions (McGill Law Journal, 2023, E-33):

Reference elements: Issuer of proclamation, Document type, Date, statutory instrument number, Location of document in statute source.
Reference example: George R, Proclamation, 7 October 1763 (3 Geo III), reprinted in RSC 1985, App II, No. 1.

Specifically, the above reference contains the following elements:

a.    Issuer of proclamation: George R,
b.    Type of document: Proclamation
c.    Date and statutory instrument number: 7 October 1763 (3 Geo III)
d.    Location of document in statute source (Revised Statutes of Canada): RSC 1985, App II, No. 1.

For information on using footnotes to cite legal materials and including a pinpoint in the citation, please see What Is a Pinpoint and How Is It Used in a Legal Citation? and How Do I Cite Canadian Legal Documents?. For more general information about legal citations, please see the information on Canadian Statutes, Cases, and Legislation on the Writing Centre website.


McGill Law Journal. (2023). Canadian guide to uniform legal citation (10th ed.). Thomson Reuters.