APA Style (7th ed.)
References for online resources only include retrieval information when a DOI is available for the resource, or when the material is accessible using a URL to an open website (American Psychological Association, 2020, p. 299) . On the other hand, online resources accessed using a subscription-based research database should not include retrieval information unless a DOI is available. An overview of the different resource types are outlined below:
- Online resources accessed by logging in through an online research database
- Resources with a DOI: Include the DOI in the reference entry for the resource in the https://doi.org/xxx format
- Resources without a DOI: Do not include retrieval information (such as a URL)
- Online resources accessed without logging in through an online research database
- Resources with a DOI: Include the DOI in the reference entry for the resource in the https://doi.org/xxx format
- Resources without a DOI: Include the URL as the retrieval information for the online resource
See How Do I Reference a Journal Article in APA Style (No DOI)? for information and example references for resources retrieved from an online password-protected database, without a DOI. Please search WriteAnswers for the specific resource type that you're working with (e.g., ebook, chapter in an ebook, journal article) to see examples of electronic retrieval information, and see Do I Need a Retrieval Date in My Reference in APA Style? for more information on retrieval dates.
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000