APA Style (7th ed.)
Since each work in an anthology or an edited collection is typically written and published as a single resource, cite and reference the individual work you read rather than the entire anthology or collection. For example, instead of citing and referencing the editors of the following collection (Milkoreit, Martinez, and Eschrich), an individual work in the collection is cited and referenced as follows:
- Narrative citation: Davenport (2016) writes that "quoted text" (p. 108).
- Parenthetical citation: (Davenport, 2016. p. 108)
- Reference entry: Davenport, S. (2016). Masks. In M. Milkoreit, M. Martinez, and J. Eschrich (Eds.) Everything change: An anthology of climate fiction (pp. 107-126). Arizona State University. https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/everything-change-an-anthology-of-climate-fiction
Include the original publication date at the end of the reference entry and within in-text citations when applicable. See the following example for the format of republished work in a printed anthology or collection:
- In-text citation: (Author, 1989/2019)
- Reference entry: Author, A. (2019). Title of original work. In E. Editor (Ed.). Title of anthology or collection in sentence case and italics (pp. xx-xxx). Publisher. (Original work published 1989).
Please see How do I reference a chapter of a book in APA Style? and How do I cite or reference non-English or translated sources in APA Style? for similar information as well as examples of non-English works that have been republished in English.