APA Style (7th ed.)
Please identify the author, date, title and publication number of work (where relevant), database or archive name, as well as the URL for the work:
Author, A. (Date). Title of work (Publication no. #). Name of Database/Archive. https://xxx
For example:
American Philosophical Association. (1990). Critical thinking: A statement of expert consensus for the purposes of educational assessment and instruction (ED315423). ERIC. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED315423.pdf
For resources that can be found in other databases, such as articles published in journals, please format the reference for your source according to resource type (American Psychological Association, 2020, p. 299). When these articles are publicly available through ERIC or other sources, such as the journal website, please refer to How Do I Reference a Journal Article in APA Style (no DOI)? to format the reference.
For more information and examples, please see pages 299 and 337 of the APA Style manual or ERIC Database References from the APA Style website. For clarification on citing journal articles with or without a DOI, please see this Journal Article Reference Checklist.
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000